пятница, 7 января 2011 г.
1790 - Кантата "На воцарение Леопольда II"
Cantata on the Elevation of Leopold II to the Imperial Dignity
He sleeps!
Let the great Prince gently rest!
For when he expired,
Death spread grief among the peoples
And Teuton's sons cried up
towards the firmament: Woe!
Jehova looked downwards and took pity,
and the terrors of darkness disappeared.
The heavens attired themselves again in rosy hues,
and from iron jaws came roaring forth jubilation and exultation
at what came down from Olympus.
Hail! The thunders have roared,
the lightning has seared the skies. the tears of tne nations have dried.
Hail! A shining cloud approaches,
It clears and what do I see!
It is he, it is he, Leopold,
our Emperor, Prince and Father, it is he!
Flow, tears of joy, flow!
Do you not hear the tidings of the angels above you! Germania!
Do you not hear the tidings of the angels
resound more sweetly than the tones of a harps?
To crown you with his blessing
Jehove looked down from Olympus.
(accompanied by a contemporary pianoforte)
Are you amazed, peoples of the earth,
that Teutonia's sons were given
the fullness of his blessing?
See him approach, bearing the frond of peace
inhis right hand
Germany's peace and happiness in his eyes,
the smile of humanity floating on his lips.
Hail to him!
How my heart pounds with joy!
Nations, cry no longer!
I saw him smile, saw him offering peace,
and how the people's joy rang out in the sky!
Over are the nocturnal wailings,
over the burning tears of the nations,
the sorms are over!
You who called Joseph your father,
cry no longer!
As great as the one whom we called father
is he too.
Descend, you millions,
to the sacred altar
and look up to the lord of the thrones,
who blessed you with this salvation!
Ring out, you jubilant choruses!
So that the world can hear it loud and clear!
He brought us peace and salvation!
He is great!
(Quoted from Irmen)
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